Monthly Archives: Apr 2016

Sweep the Floor!

By Ken Matesz

“Be  so good they can’t ignore you.”                     Steve Martin

Anybody else here remember the 1980s version of “Karate Kid?” Maybe you remember, “Wax on, wax off,” or “paint the fence,” and “paint the house.” And, of course, there was, “Sand the floor!”

I’m not teaching karate. I’m teaching some life skills.

If you work at a job – especially if you work at an hourly job – you can benefit from my training:

Sweep the floor!!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

A lot of people whine and carry on about not earning more money. They wonder why they don’t get a raise more often. They wonder why they earn so little but seem to work so hard. They wonder why it is so hard to work your way up the ladder. My answer?

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