How to Accomplish Anything

by Ken Matesz

How do you accomplish anything you desire?

Yes, anything.

Success is not guaranteed in all ventures. But if a goal is achievable, the following is the way to do it.

Right here and right now, I’m going to tell you the big secret to success at anything you want to accomplish. It all comes down to four, easy steps.

Does that sound too good to be true? Right here, on these pages, for free, I’m going to give you the key to the surest way to accomplish virtually any goal you set for yourself.

Ventures fail when this advice is not followed. And this advice is often not followed.

Have you ever noticed how successful nature is? Nature is the ultimate success story. Nature is relentless.

You can be, too!

One day I was walking down the sidewalk in an older part of town. After I turned a corner and passed a few houses, I came to a place where an old, thick, sprawling oak tree was growing. The tree had grown right next to the sidewalk. The slab of sidewalk was turned up at a severe angle as the roots of the huge tree bulged underneath it.

That slab of sidewalk was maybe six feet long and four feet wide. Probably 4 inches thick. A slab of concrete that size weighs about a thousand pounds. You or I could not lift it by hand. We’d have to use levers or machines to move it. Nature – that tree – moved it without levers or machines – but not all at once.

Once upon a time, that sidewalk slab was level and in plane with the rest of the sidewalk. An acorn fell next to that slab. An acorn is small – about the size of the end of your finger. But, that tiny acorn was full of life! When it first sprouted, it was just a spindly, short thing with small leaves and short roots that a child could have squashed. It used its leaves and roots to collect and efficiently use resources to slowly grow. It just kept doing that, over and over.

1. Decision

The first step to success is to make a firm decision as to what you want to accomplish. For example: “I am going to lose weight.” “I am going to clean out the closet.” “I am going to start a new business.” This decision should be in writing, somewhere, where you see it every day.

Post it in a journal

Put it on your mirror

Hang it from your refrigerator.

2. Specify

Once you have decided to act, you must make your goal specific. Being specific requires a quantifiable amount and a time period. The more specific, the better:

“I am going to lose 10 pounds in 3 months.”

“I am going to discard unneeded things in the closet, sweep it out, and make it organized enough that I can find things in it by July 1, 2021.”

“I am going into business mowing lawns within my city limits and will have my first contract by May 15, 2021.”

3. Act

This means you need to commit to making progress toward your goal, every day.

Yes, I said, every day. (Did that oak tree take a day off?)

Every day.

4. Reinvest

If you have made a specific decision on what to do and have acted on it, you will be getting results. If you have any results – which I will call profits – you must reinvest your profits to compound the progress toward your goal.

Profits do NOT have to be money.

Suppose you decided to lose 10 pounds in 3 months. If part of your plan is doing sit-ups every day, you will find that, after awhile, it’s easy to do 10 sit-ups. Your profit is your increased strength and/or stamina.

Reinvest your strength by doing more sit-ups, or another exercise.

Reinvest profits to create a rolling snowball that gets bigger and stronger as it goes.

More pounds slip away.

More junk leaves the closet.

More customers sign a contract.

Decide a specific desire. Start small. Act daily. Be specific. Build on success. Reinvest profits. Recycle and repeat.

Life’s way. Nature’s way:

Seed becomes sapling, sapling becomes tree, tree moves sidewalk.

Egg becomes embryo, embryo becomes baby, baby becomes boy, boy becomes man, man accomplishes.

Stitch becomes sweater, ounces become pounds, hobby becomes livelihood.

The key to success is in you.

It’s up to you to do it.

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